From traditional production to the digital value creation of tomorrow.

The Institute.
The New Production Institute emerged from the interdisciplinary research group “Value Creation” of the Laboratory of Production Engineering at the Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg.
As a think tank for the future of value creation and production, the experts at the New Production Institute are involved in various projects dealing with the transformation of value creation systems against the backdrop of new possibilities for networking and production in times of digital transformation.
Values of the future.
Open Production
Principle of “openness”
Our research focuses on operationalizing the principle of “openness” in new modes of value creation.
Open Source
New value creation patterns
Open source is freely accessible software and hardware whose source code and instructions can be viewed, modified, and used by third parties. Open source can mostly be used free of charge.
Open Mind
Interdisciplinary networking
Through numerous memberships in scientific associations, the institute can draw on many years of international and interdisciplinary project experience.
- OpenLabs in Hamburg & the Metropolitan RegionNine OpenLabs, acting as real laboratories, to explore the possibilities of sustainable urban development and social participation in socio-economic and technological development processes.
- Fab CityAs part of the interdisciplinary research project Fab City, we are establishing a new type of urban value creation by means of decentralized and open production workshops (so-called open labs) in the Hamburg metropolitan region.
- INTERFACERWe are developing a digital infrastructure that enables fab cities and regions to bundle the knowledge generated in global knowledge networks in the sense of commons-based peer production, and not only to produce locally in line with demand.
“Value creation” is the central concept of our interdisciplinary research.
Since 2010, we have been looking at the theory and change of value creation systems – in the form of scientific publications, in project work, and with an interdisciplinary perspective.
The team.
The New Production Institute team consists of 30 members from various scientific disciplines. The spectrum ranges from mechanical engineering and manufacturing technology to design and value creation theory, knowledge and social economics, participation research, economic geography, and law.