21.05.2024 – Renata Siagian, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia Hamburg, Colonel Budi Wibowo, The main duty of Defence Section / Defence Attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Berlin, and Vice Air Marshal Arif Widianto visiting the OpenLab Hamburg of the Laboratory of Production Engineering (LaFT/Helmut Schmidt University), accompanied by our Vice President Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernd Klauer.
Dr. Tobias Redlich, head of the New Production Institute, and doctoral researcher Marcello Tania (NPI) gave a joint tour of the OpenLab Hamburg with a short intro to the Fab City approach (Fab City | The New Production Institute) and the Fab Lab (Fabrication Laboratories) movement, of which the OpenLab Hamburg is also a member – with the overarching goal of making digital manufacturing technologies in particular accessible to everyone in order to produce almost everything we consume locally.

- OpenLabs are thematically specialized technology labs in which private individuals, companies and start-ups can get to know and use open-source and digital manufacturing machines, such as 3D printers, CNC milling machines or laser cutters.
By using open source hardware machine tools, OpenLabs help to promote local innovation projects, support urban production and reduce dependence on global supply chains. Open source hardware also strengthens technological competence, with open documentation promoting local knowledge and global collaboration.
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- Instagram: @openlab_hamburg, @fabcityhh
- LinkedIn: New Production Institute