International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

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On October 30-31, 2023, Dr.-Ing. Tobias Redlich had the honor on behalf of the New Production Institute of being invited as keynote speaker at the 4th International Conference of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ICEEIT2023) in Benghazi, Libya. Our online keynote talk, entitled

“From FabLabs to Industry’s ‘Wikipedia of Machine Tools’ – Pionieering Decentralized Production & Circular Economy with Open Source Hardware”

focused in particular on how innovative approaches, digital manufacturing machines and globally distributed knowledge can drive a circular economy through local production.

The International Conference of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ICEEIT) 2023 is organized by the Libyan Authority for Scientific Research in collaboration with various institutions, including the University of Benghazi. Supported by well-established institutions and companies in Libya, ICEEIT 2023 aims to unite efforts in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, communications, and information technology across the country.

The conference, to be held at the University of Benghazi, serves as a platform for discussing cutting-edge findings to address challenges faced by Libya and the global community. It seeks to foster collaboration among researchers, providing an opportunity to share visions, exchange ideas, and enhance professional and social networks.

Benghazi, known for its friendly environment and cultural significance, is chosen as the conference venue. The objectives include promoting communication between educational and research institutions, generating ideas for advancements in the electricity and information technology sectors, and exploring renewable energy research and applications.

ICEEIT 2023 also aims to raise environmental awareness, encourage research in electrical energy and information technology, showcase the positive aspects of Libya and Benghazi’s recovery post-challenges, and assist executive authorities in prioritizing reconstruction efforts. The conference plays a crucial role in ensuring standards and specifications for quality implementation in the infrastructure of electrical energy and information technology.

All information about the conference is taken from the website: